Synopsis: A Special Forces officer turned crime syndicate operative uncovers the site of a drop being conducted by one of the world’s most dangerous, underground, criminal organizations. With his syndicate’s mission of eradicating this rival organization, he infiltrates the drop site in an attempt to recover a mysterious item and locate the group’s notorious leader. However, things go astray when he is unexpectedly forced to deal with one of their organization’s most reputable mercenaries. Under unforeseen circumstances he must use his newly acquired skills and act quickly in order to accomplish his mission and survive the encounter.
Arthouse Festival of Beverly Hills, an IMDB qualifying festival, is a bi-monthly competitive Film Festival dedicated to short films. We accept all types of short films and offer awards for Best Us Film, Best Intl Film, Best male and female director, among others. We also accept all kinds of genre films, including Horror, Action, Crime, Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Science Fiction, Sports, Thriller, War and Western from all around the world. The festival has a seasonal structure, first, our programmes select the official selection of the festival, then the judges will privately review the selected films, and subsequently, they will announce the winners. The winner's projects will then have the option to be streamed online.
Paris Lady MovieMakers Festival is a competitive online event that valorizes the work of women filmmakers or films about women. In this festival, we are looking for a unique and innovative perspective from female filmmakers to introduce them and promote them. We also accept projects directed by non-female directors who have something important to say about womanhood. We are an online event based in Paris and we are dedicated to female cinema.
The San Francisco Women Film Festival is an online celebration dedicated to promoting the work of talented women filmmakers from around the globe. This dynamic event showcases a diverse range of both short and feature-length films, highlighting stories by and about women. Our mission is to amplify female voices in cinema, offering a platform not only to women filmmakers but also to male filmmakers who create films with a strong focus on women's experiences and perspectives. The festival aims to inspire, educate, and entertain audiences by presenting a curated selection of films that challenge, provoke, and uplift. With a variety of categories, the festival encourages submissions from all genres, offering a unique opportunity for both emerging and established filmmakers to share their work with a global audience. Whether you're an aspiring director, an experienced filmmaker, or an enthusiast of cinema, the San Francisco Women Film Festival invites you to join this vibrant celebration of stories that matter.
Arthouse Festival of Beverly Hills, an IMDB qualifying festival, is a bi-monthly competitive Film Festival dedicated to short films. We accept all types of short films and offer awards for Best Us Film, Best Intl Film, Best male and female director, among others. We also accept all kinds of genre films, including Horror, Action, Crime, Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Science Fiction, Sports, Thriller, War and Western from all around the world. The festival has a seasonal structure, first, our programmes select the official selection of the festival, then the judges will privately review the selected films, and subsequently, they will announce the winners. The winner's projects will then have the option to be streamed online.
The organizing and administrative team of the IMDb qualified Vancouver Independent Film Festival started their activities ten years ago, in the form of a successful collaboration between Vancouver-based Pacific United Production and 24 frames company in Canada. Since this cooperation's commencement, countless events, from screenings and stage performances to appreciation nights, galas and cruise trips on opening and closing ceremonies, have been successfully executed in Vancouver. Our focus at the beginning was middle Eastern cinema, especially the Iranian cinema. During the past years, we had a series of monthly film screenings between Vancouver Cinematheque and Pacific United on Iranian Cinema. We also organized several of our past events during the past years at the prestigious location of Kay Meek Centre. Following the remarkable success in Vancouver's organizing events, the need and demand for a Festival in Vancouver became prominent. With specific attention to the diverse population in Vancouver, the decision was made to organize and execute a genuine international film festival to cover all the nationalities and communities in Vancouver and, to a greater extent, in Northern America. The Vancouver Independent Film Festival was created with both a seasonal and yearly structure with online and physical screenings. At the end of each season, the jury selects the winners of each category through private screenings. The winners of each season "might" be then considered for yearly competition; if they get chosen by the programming committee, they will be shown and compete with other films-winners at the annual event. The location of the festival is Kay Meek Art Centre.
The IMDb qualified festvial of San Francisco Indie Short Festival is happy to welcome filmmakers from all over the world and short films of all genres. Our main goal is to showcase their brilliant projects in the beautiful city of San Francisco for a diverse audience of cinephiles. It is a world-class event committed to present the best of this beautiful art called 'Cinema' and dedicated to all generations of filmmakers. The festival has a monthly and yearly structure. First of all, through "private" screenings, a team of professional screeners will evaluate all the submitted short films during each month. All the highest scored films will be reviewed by at least three judges who will decide through "private" screenings the best of each season. All the seasonal winners will receive the Official Laurels and the winning-category certificate for each season. We will announce the winners of each month through our social media. In the second stage, we will hold an annual event. Here, the internal committee selects the candidates for the yearly event from each month's winners. The selected films will compete for the annual awards.
Welcome to the Kansas Arthouse Film Festival page. This is an on online festival for both film and music. This online festival is a platform motivated by the predominant position of Kansas City in the matters of art and culture. The music & film industry have an undeniable connection to Kansas City. In 2018, UNESCO named Kansas City as a “City of Music”, making it the only city in the United States with that distinction. The city’s funding of $7 million for improvements to the 18th and Vine Jazz District in 2016, coupled with the city’s rich musical heritage, contributed to the designation. With this in mind, the festival celebrate some of the most year’s exciting and creative music videos, music and musicians. We honor great work and excellence. Entries do not need to be from the region, but should be music videos from 2017 onwards. On the other hand , Kansas City possesses a rich heritage and a large film community. Kansas City, Missouri and the surrounding Kansas City Metropolitan Area have often been a locale for Hollywood productions and television programming. With this in mind , we accept films from all over the world, from American filmmakers and international ones. The main criterion for participating in the festival is artistic criteria and merits. The above program will be held seasonally . The festival believes that many artistic endeavors and projects are produced in today’s world, and many of these projects want to know of their outcome as soon as possible. Therefore, the seasonal structure allows the filmmaker to be informed of his work’s result in the shortest time possible and will enable him to provide a more suitable and timely platform for advertising and promoting the film. The festival is held in the form of an online award festival, which means that the works are reviewed and evaluated privately by the jury, and finally, the jury announces the best result. Once a year, few selected projects will be chosen from all selected movies and will be broadcast online.
Dublin World Film Festival champions new film talent by providing a seasonal showcase and meeting point for new and established filmmakers, industry delegates and the local audience. The festival is a friendly and inclusive festival in which the work of emerging filmmakers is presented in the context of an international programme. We believe that international collaboration is vital for filmmakers. The festival not only advocates the importance of short films in progressing future generations of filmmakers but provides a meeting place where the partnership can begin. The selection process has two parts. First, the submitted projects are judged through private screenings by our internal programming team, and they will select the semi-finals films of each edition. Then the Festival's jurors, a random team of invited experts mainly from the film industry, will privately review the films and award the best projects. All of the winners will receive the official laurel and an achievement certificate. The winner's announcements will be released through our social media to help promote the films.
Santa Monica Film Awards is an International online seasonal movie award. This is a new film festival, and it is run by a group of young filmmakers who studied filmmaking. The aim is to promote and encourage short, feature, and documentary films worldwide by allowing them to showcase such films, promote movies, and be another step up in the filmmakers' careers. Each season we will award a few films. The winners will receive a laurel and a customized certificate. A selection of the winner films will be screened online every season. Don’t wait to submit your beautiful projects. Our audience is waiting for your outstanding projects. We are happy to invite your projects.