The Istanbul Movie Awards warmly welcomes you to join our global community celebration of peace, love, and the art of filmmaking. We are a collaboration of multi-talented writers, film score composers, filmmakers, producers, and musicians, united in our mission to entertain, inform, inspire, encourage, and educate. Our goal is to recognize and honour artists who use their creative work to increase awareness, provide diverse perspectives, tackle complex social issues, and promote international connections. As an inspiring and intimate platform, the we offer writers, directors, and producers the opportunity to create new projects, develop tools for success, and establish new connections within the global film and entertainment industry.
Washington Film Awards is a unique seasonal virtual film competitions. Attracting both powerhouse companies as well as talented new filmmakers, it is an unparalleled, truly international awards competition, not a traditional film festival – which allows filmmakers from around the world to enter their films in this prestigious competition. The festival gives talented directors, producers, actors, creative teams the positive exposure they deserve. It discovers and honors the achievements of filmmakers who produce high quality projects. The festvial promotes award winners through press releases to filmmakers and industry contacts. Above all, we truly value and honor our filmmaking family. The festival accept screenplays (up to 40 pages) and short films (up to 40 minutes long). It offers a seasonal competition. Each season, our jury selects the winners through private screenings. The seasonal winners will qualify for the online screening. Furthermore, all seasonal winners receive a free digital certificate (in JPG), ready for print.
Civilizations can’t flourish without the arts, and film has definitely become the art form and literature of the modern age. San Jose Independent Film Festival hopes to be like the art gallery displaying these cultural treasures that reflect creativity and diverse viewpoints. We hope to offer an online platform for our young filmmakers to present their creative ideas, their singular stories and storytelling, their talent and skill in their making and, not least, their passion for communicating how they feel and think about the world they live in. These are things they share with us, the audience, and with other filmmakers, whether they are making more familiar live-action dramas or provocative experimental films. With this in mind, our programming is not dictated only by the demands of ticket sales and audiences. We are a safe space to show films that are not calculated by a formula nor constructed by a committee of studio heads eager to make a profit. Our mission is to showcase new and uncharted territory, offer invigorating new perspectives and exhilarating new styles in storytelling, and provide a more authentic cathartic experience for the audience. And, finally, we are a classy festival for an elegant town. Although we program part of the festival with an eye toward our community audience, we also create a program that will gain respect amongst our peers in the industry. If you have a film ready, we are waiting for your submissions!
Welcome to the Tokyo Women's Film Festival, a vibrant celebration of women's voices in cinema. Set against the dynamic backdrop of Tokyo, a city renowned for its blend of tradition and modernity, our festival showcases films that either highlight women's stories or are directed by talented women filmmakers from around the globe. At the heart of our festival is a commitment to amplifying the diverse perspectives and experiences of women. We believe in the power of storytelling to inspire change, foster understanding, and bridge cultural divides. By focusing on films that explore women's lives, challenges, triumphs, and creativity, we aim to create a space where these narratives can shine. Our festival features a curated selection of films that span genres and styles, from thought-provoking dramas and insightful documentaries to innovative animations and compelling shorts. Each film offers a unique perspective on the female experience, whether through the lens of a female director or a story centered on women's lives. Join us at the Tokyo Women's Film Festival, where we celebrate the artistry, resilience, and creativity of women in cinema. Whether you are a filmmaker, a film lover, or someone passionate about women's stories, our festival offers a unique and enriching experience in one of the world's most fascinating cities.
New York International Women Festival is a seasonal competitive Festival dedicated to Film style, and female gaze in cinema. First of all, it a festival that valorizes the work of women filmmakers. We are looking for a unique and innovative perspective from female filmmakers to introduce them and promote them. We also accept projects directed by non-female directors who have something important to say about womanhood. Secondly, it is a festival to valorize the style and fashion in a film. Regardless of filmmaker gender, we aim to focus on the stylistic features of cinema to see what elements have made a film significant, to see how camera movements or set designs have been able to create a unique environment for the movie to be set in and to see how make-up artists, production designers and costume designers have been able to add their unique vision to these works of art. If you think you have a film with good taste, this is your festival and don't hesitate to submit your work. The festival has a seasonal structure. First, the judges will privately review the submitted materials, and subsequently, they will announce the winners. The winner's projects will then be introduced to our social media.
Arthouse Festival of Beverly Hills, an IMDB qualifying festival, is a bi-monthly competitive Film Festival dedicated to short films. We accept all types of short films and offer awards for Best Us Film, Best Intl Film, Best male and female director, among others. We also accept all kinds of genre films, including Horror, Action, Crime, Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Science Fiction, Sports, Thriller, War and Western from all around the world. The festival has a seasonal structure, first, our programmes select the official selection of the festival, then the judges will privately review the selected films, and subsequently, they will announce the winners. The winner's projects will then have the option to be streamed online.
Synopsis: Xinxin who lost his cat before the typhoon, but his grandma tells him that the person who loves each other will meet again. One night, attracted by the sound of a music box in the stairwell, he spots a strange man smoking in the stairwell. He throws candy at the man to stop him smoking. The next day, Xinxin and the man meet again in the stairwell. After some conversation, he inadvertently passes on the concept that his Grandma told him to the man. Soon after, Xinxin's cat comes back to him, and he posts a note on the window of the stairwell telling this good news to the man.
Madrid Arthouse film festival is an IMDb qualified bi-monthly online festival based in Madrid. The festival aims to provide a platform for short and long feature filmmakers to be seen and heard as best as possible. The festival is very competitive: Each season, our jury selects each category's winners through private screenings (there will be no physical screening). The winners of each month may be then considered for the yearly online competition. If this happens, they will be shown and compete with other films-winners at the annual online event.
Sacramento World Film Festival is a seasonal online awards event. The festival will welcome any independent project from all genres. The Festival is looking for independent projects from all genres, particularly low or no-budget ones and all countries. The selection process has two parts. First, the submitted projects are judged through private screenings by our internal programming team, and they will select the official films of each edition. Then the Festival's jurors, who are a random team of invited experts mainly from the film industry, will privately review the films and award the best projects. All of the winners will receive the official laurel and an achievement certificate and offer the option of online screening. Winner's announcements will be released through our social media to help promote the films.
The Seattle Movie Awards is a festival that showcases the best independent films from around the world. Every season we award the best film makers, writers and producers by inviting them to our online competition hosted in Seattle, US. We showcase various genres from non-fiction to fiction films. Not only do we grant prizes to the winners, but we also connect film makers to our network of professionals. Connecting filmmakers with our extensive database of agents, distributors and other industry professionals. Our festival is also globally orientated meaning we not only look for Western films but also films from Africa, Asia, South America and Australia.