Arthouse Festival of Beverly Hills, an IMDB qualifying festival, is a bi-monthly competitive Film Festival dedicated to short films. We accept all types of short films and offer awards for Best Us Film, Best Intl Film, Best male and female director, among others. We also accept all kinds of genre films, including Horror, Action, Crime, Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Science Fiction, Sports, Thriller, War and Western from all around the world. The festival has a seasonal structure, first, our programmes select the official selection of the festival, then the judges will privately review the selected films, and subsequently, they will announce the winners. The winner's projects will then have the option to be streamed online.
St.Louis Film Awards is created to promote independent filmmaking from all around the world. We’re looking for short works with original storytelling to promote their authors. We are open to showcasing the results of the creators of all ages, nationalities and races. The festival is a meeting point for filmmakers, a source of inspiration and new knowledge for experts, students and cinema lovers. The festival is a hotbed for talent development and promotion of cinema as attractive leisure for all target groups. We are especially looking for a skillfully made (writing, cinematography, editing, sound), well-acted, cohesive and internally consistent story that has the ability to elicit emotion, set the mood and guide a reaction. The festival has a seasonal structure. Every season the festival selects winners in every category from the pool of entries.
The IMDb qualified festvial of San Francisco Indie Short Festival is happy to welcome filmmakers from all over the world and short films of all genres. Our main goal is to showcase their brilliant projects in the beautiful city of San Francisco for a diverse audience of cinephiles. It is a world-class event committed to present the best of this beautiful art called 'Cinema' and dedicated to all generations of filmmakers. The festival has a monthly and yearly structure. First of all, through "private" screenings, a team of professional screeners will evaluate all the submitted short films during each month. All the highest scored films will be reviewed by at least three judges who will decide through "private" screenings the best of each season. All the seasonal winners will receive the Official Laurels and the winning-category certificate for each season. We will announce the winners of each month through our social media. In the second stage, we will hold an annual event. Here, the internal committee selects the candidates for the yearly event from each month's winners. The selected films will compete for the annual awards.
Niagara Falls International Short Festival, an IMDB qualified festival, is a bi-monthly Us-based short online film festival held in the beautiful Niagara Falls, New York. Niagara is valued not only for its waterfall but also for its beautiful inns, hotels, restaurants and tourist destinations such as its wineries. Filmmakers and artists have been attracted to Niagara Falls and have used its potentials to set their films. Niagara Falls has been used as background in numerous feature films, including the famous Marilyn Monroe film, titled Niagara (1953), and Superman and Pirates of the Caribbean, to name a few. The spectacular natural scenery of Niagara Falls has always given an extra layer of beauty to films shown on the silver screen, and we hope to use these infrastructures to offer you a fantastic festival experience. If you have a film ready to be submitted, you can send your film to us before the next deadline. This is an online festival, which means that films will be privately judged, and we will announce the winners; if you are a winner, your project "might" be considered for our online event.
Rome has had a special place in the art and beauty of the world from years ago. The Roman baths, the outstanding architecture created in this beautiful city throughout history, the sculptures, and the paintings all reflect the special place of Rome in the art of the world. Meanwhile, Rome has always been a unique city among Italian filmmakers. Directors like Pasolini, Fellini and Antonioni, and other contemporary filmmakers have always used the city of Rome and its beauties in their films and created unexpected cinematic moments for us. We hope to use Roman history and grandeur in favour of creating a unique festival atmosphere. This festival will be held seasonally in Rome, to show outstanding short films in this beautiful city each season. Roma short is dedicated to celebrating the works of independent filmmakers from around the world, and we pay special attention to ultra low-budget films by first and second-time directors. The festival hopes to provide a place for cinema lovers, independent filmmakers to get acquainted with the latest works in cinema. We hope to create a social space around cinema and promote new discourses about the future of cinema. The festival has a seasonal structure. First of all, our jury will review the nominated films. We award films in each season . Seasonal semi-finalist selections are screened privately for consideration. Among the winner movies, a limited number will be selected for online screening. Winners will receive laurels. Seasonal winners will be listed on our website and Instagram.
Our festival was founded to support and promote independent short films from all around the world. We recognize how difficult it is to get your short film ’out there’, and find a platform where your film can reach the right audience. We aim to promote and provide exposure to these films and organize a fun and culturally diverse night of indie cinema for filmmakers and cinephiles alike. Our program will reflect the diversity and opportunities within the short film genre, and our goal is to show films that the audience would otherwise have not seen, and leave a lasting impact. We look forward to seeing your submissions and welcoming you to Stockholm Short Film Festival! Our submission window for our 1st edition is now open! For each season, the official selection will be carefully picked by our panel of expert judges and will consist of the films nominated for an award. The movie that got an award will have the option to be screened online during our annual event if they get into the next round; they will also be promoted on our social media platforms and website.
New Orleans International Film Awards’s mission is to bring international independent films to the widest possible audience in the region. The Festival aims to provide a cultural alternative to the commercial film experience, to support independent filmmakers, and promote the art of filmmaking. New Orleans is part of an amazing worldwide community; a unique collaboration of multi-talented writers, film score composers and filmmakers. The festival mission is to entertain, inform, inspire, encourage and educate. We honor those artists who, through their creative work, actively increase awareness, provide multiple viewpoints, address complex social issues, and strengthen ties between international audiences. At the festvial, you can come together with other writers, directors and producers to create new opportunities, develop tools for success and forge new alliances within the international film and entertainment industry.
New York International Women Festival is a seasonal competitive Festival dedicated to Film style, and female gaze in cinema. First of all, it a festival that valorizes the work of women filmmakers. We are looking for a unique and innovative perspective from female filmmakers to introduce them and promote them. We also accept projects directed by non-female directors who have something important to say about womanhood. Secondly, it is a festival to valorize the style and fashion in a film. Regardless of filmmaker gender, we aim to focus on the stylistic features of cinema to see what elements have made a film significant, to see how camera movements or set designs have been able to create a unique environment for the movie to be set in and to see how make-up artists, production designers and costume designers have been able to add their unique vision to these works of art. If you think you have a film with good taste, this is your festival and don't hesitate to submit your work. The festival has a seasonal structure. First, the judges will privately review the submitted materials, and subsequently, they will announce the winners. The winner's projects will then be introduced to our social media.
Phoenix Shorts is a monthly and yearly online IMDb qualified festival. We encourage the breadth and variety of views and supporting the best up-and-coming filmmakers from around the world. Each month, our jury selects the winners of each category through private screenings. Every submitted film has a chance to be a winner in the monthly competition. If they get selected by the programming team of the yearly event, the winners of each month may be then considered for the annual online competition. If this happens, they will be shown and compete with other films-winners at the yearly online event. It's an excellent opportunity to provide a platform and to introduce your work. We believe your talents must be showcased early to propel the filmmakers of the future into their feature film careers. We are here to recognize and spotlight creative and talented filmmakers like you. Winners will be announced on our website and social media pages every month. You can submit your works through FilmFreeway.
Created to encourage content creators from unique backgrounds to share their stories, International Cosmopolitan Film Festival of Tokyo will promote the work of diverse (thought, race, gender, age, religion, physical ability and sexual orientation) filmmakers and recognize them for their achievements in film. On the other hand, coronavirus and the challenges and devastating changes it has caused made it clear that the future of art might be in the hands of animations and computer generated services. In the past few months, many art projects have been either cancelled or halted and postponed but animation and digital companies were able to keep going despite the Coronavirus pandemic, and they have managed to survive through their use of CGI technologies instead of using traditional methods. The festival was founded with the goal of becoming a place to introduce the best of recent national and international animated art projects. The festival is framed by a range of different activities surrounding the art and industry of animation.