Welcome to the New Filmmakers Austin . This is a festival for short films. We accept films from all over the world. The main criterion for participating in the festival is artistic criteria and merits. Considering Texas’s tremendous importance in the North American cinematic environment and our professional platform, we hope to provide a suitable environment for the introduction of short films and feature films. The above program will be held bi-monthly. This structure allows the filmmaker to be informed of his work’s result in the shortest time possible. The festival is held in online form; first of all, the works are reviewed and evaluated privately by the jury, and finally, the jury announces the best result. Each season, winners will be screened online.
Washington Film Awards is a unique seasonal virtual film competitions. Attracting both powerhouse companies as well as talented new filmmakers, it is an unparalleled, truly international awards competition, not a traditional film festival – which allows filmmakers from around the world to enter their films in this prestigious competition. The festival gives talented directors, producers, actors, creative teams the positive exposure they deserve. It discovers and honors the achievements of filmmakers who produce high quality projects. The festvial promotes award winners through press releases to filmmakers and industry contacts. Above all, we truly value and honor our filmmaking family. The festival accept screenplays (up to 40 pages) and short films (up to 40 minutes long). It offers a seasonal competition. Each season, our jury selects the winners through private screenings. The seasonal winners will qualify for the online screening. Furthermore, all seasonal winners receive a free digital certificate (in JPG), ready for print.
Niagara Falls International Short Festival, an IMDB qualified festival, is a bi-monthly Us-based short online film festival held in the beautiful Niagara Falls, New York. Niagara is valued not only for its waterfall but also for its beautiful inns, hotels, restaurants and tourist destinations such as its wineries. Filmmakers and artists have been attracted to Niagara Falls and have used its potentials to set their films. Niagara Falls has been used as background in numerous feature films, including the famous Marilyn Monroe film, titled Niagara (1953), and Superman and Pirates of the Caribbean, to name a few. The spectacular natural scenery of Niagara Falls has always given an extra layer of beauty to films shown on the silver screen, and we hope to use these infrastructures to offer you a fantastic festival experience. If you have a film ready to be submitted, you can send your film to us before the next deadline. This is an online festival, which means that films will be privately judged, and we will announce the winners; if you are a winner, your project "might" be considered for our online event.
San Francisco International Film Awards is a newly established physical event taking place in San Francisco. The festival’s mission is to celebrate films and the art of filmmaking. We hope to provide a venue for filmmakers to exhibit their latest work, meet other filmmakers, and learn from industry professionals. We also hope to serve as a forum for discussion and debate about films and filmmaking. Our biggest dream is that our festival can also be a tool for marketing your movies; we hope to generate buzz and interest in your new releases. And be sure that we will do our best so that the festvial allows honest, objective feedback from audiences who don’t have any connection to you or your film. We hope to see your movie soon at the festvial!
Welcome to the Kansas Arthouse Film Festival page. This is an on online festival for both film and music. This online festival is a platform motivated by the predominant position of Kansas City in the matters of art and culture. The music & film industry have an undeniable connection to Kansas City. In 2018, UNESCO named Kansas City as a “City of Music”, making it the only city in the United States with that distinction. The city’s funding of $7 million for improvements to the 18th and Vine Jazz District in 2016, coupled with the city’s rich musical heritage, contributed to the designation. With this in mind, the festival celebrate some of the most year’s exciting and creative music videos, music and musicians. We honor great work and excellence. Entries do not need to be from the region, but should be music videos from 2017 onwards. On the other hand , Kansas City possesses a rich heritage and a large film community. Kansas City, Missouri and the surrounding Kansas City Metropolitan Area have often been a locale for Hollywood productions and television programming. With this in mind , we accept films from all over the world, from American filmmakers and international ones. The main criterion for participating in the festival is artistic criteria and merits. The above program will be held seasonally . The festival believes that many artistic endeavors and projects are produced in today’s world, and many of these projects want to know of their outcome as soon as possible. Therefore, the seasonal structure allows the filmmaker to be informed of his work’s result in the shortest time possible and will enable him to provide a more suitable and timely platform for advertising and promoting the film. The festival is held in the form of an online award festival, which means that the works are reviewed and evaluated privately by the jury, and finally, the jury announces the best result. Once a year, few selected projects will be chosen from all selected movies and will be broadcast online.
New York International Women Festival is a seasonal competitive Festival dedicated to Film style, and female gaze in cinema. First of all, it a festival that valorizes the work of women filmmakers. We are looking for a unique and innovative perspective from female filmmakers to introduce them and promote them. We also accept projects directed by non-female directors who have something important to say about womanhood. Secondly, it is a festival to valorize the style and fashion in a film. Regardless of filmmaker gender, we aim to focus on the stylistic features of cinema to see what elements have made a film significant, to see how camera movements or set designs have been able to create a unique environment for the movie to be set in and to see how make-up artists, production designers and costume designers have been able to add their unique vision to these works of art. If you think you have a film with good taste, this is your festival and don't hesitate to submit your work. The festival has a seasonal structure. First, the judges will privately review the submitted materials, and subsequently, they will announce the winners. The winner's projects will then be introduced to our social media.
Dublin World Film Festival champions new film talent by providing a seasonal showcase and meeting point for new and established filmmakers, industry delegates and the local audience. The festival is a friendly and inclusive festival in which the work of emerging filmmakers is presented in the context of an international programme. We believe that international collaboration is vital for filmmakers. The festival not only advocates the importance of short films in progressing future generations of filmmakers but provides a meeting place where the partnership can begin. The selection process has two parts. First, the submitted projects are judged through private screenings by our internal programming team, and they will select the semi-finals films of each edition. Then the Festival's jurors, a random team of invited experts mainly from the film industry, will privately review the films and award the best projects. All of the winners will receive the official laurel and an achievement certificate. The winner's announcements will be released through our social media to help promote the films.
Inspired by cosmopolitan mentality, we encourage diversity and multi-cultural short films. We want to truly reflect the international filmmaking community and showcase fresh talent from all filmmakers - no matter the age or the subject matter. With this in mind, we encourage filmmakers from all backgrounds to submit their projects. Furthermore, we genuinely believe that good filmmaking is an actual result of a good story. We hope to find new voices and perspectives to celebrate the power of a good story. Florida Shorts is a seasonal competition and an annual online festival dedicated to short films of all genres from the U.S. and international filmmakers. In the first step, our professional screeners will privately review your film each quarterly season, and the highest scored films will become the semi-finalist . The semi-finalist of the seasonal editions are screened privately to jury members of each edition in various categories. All the award winners are then considered for the annual online festival; if they get selected, they will compete with other films in our annual event. Join us for Florida Short's events this year!
San Diego Shorts is a seasonal International online competition which accepting films from all over the globe, offering awards in various categories. We work to create an opportunity that allows filmmakers to submit their work and get them judged by the very qualified, professionals, and experts in the fields of filmmaking.
Welcome to the Austin International Art Festival page, a festival held in the beautiful city of Austin, US. This is a festival for both short and featured films. We accept films from all over the world, from American filmmakers and international ones. The main criterion for participating in the festival is artistic criteria and merits. Considering Austin's tremendous importance in the American cinematic environment and our professional platform, we hope to provide a suitable environment for the introduction of short films and feature films. The festival believes that many films are produced in today's world, and many of these films want to know of their outcome as soon as possible. With this in mind, our program will be held monthly. The monthly festival is held in the form of an online award festival, which means that the works are reviewed and evaluated "privately" by the jury, and finally, the jury announces the best result. If they want, monthly winners can request a public online screening. We do also promote our winners through our social media and issue certificates for our winners. We do have an annual online l event as well. Once a year, few selected films will be chosen from all monthly winners and broadcast in an online platform. The jury of the above festival has been chosen from the expert members of cinema, from the university environment, from the working and professional background of cinema and the well-known cinema distributors. We do believe our structure is the best answer to the reality of contemporary filmmaking. It allows the filmmaker to be informed of his work's result in the shortest time possible and enables them to provide a more suitable and timely platform for advertising and promoting the film.